Snack Attack!
Eating frequently throughout the day is the best way to rev up your metabolism, as well as stay fueled for competition. Snacking between meals can increase your energy levels and improve performance. Add these snacks to your shopping list and take them with you in you bag or keep non-perishables in your locker.
• Sandwich: lean turkey, ham, roast beef, or chicken breast on 2 slices of whole grain bread. Light on mayo and mustard.
• Peanut butter and jelly (use all fruit jelly) on whole wheat bread
• Energy Bars: Clif Bar, Builder Bar, Balance, or Zone Bar
• Whole wheat crackers (i.e. Multi-grain wheat thins, Kashi Crackers)
Top with cheese or peanut butter for added protein
• Beef jerky– dried, in bags – one small bag at a time
• Nuts– ~15 cashews, almonds, peanuts, pistachios yields ~100 calories
• Small cup of cottage cheese– can add fresh fruit and/or sunflower seeds
• Fresh fruit, with a source of protein and/or fat- nuts, cheese, peanut butter
• Baked chips with salsa– top with a little 2% shredded cheddar for more protein
• Tortilla Roll-Up- on whole wheat tortilla with turkey, ham, roast beef, chicken
• Quesadilla- with 2% cheese and veggies w salsa
• Granola Bar- add to it a handful of almonds
• Odwalla Shake- With protein
• Whole Wheat Fig Newtons
• Frozen Bananas dipped in yogurt
• Fun treats– Small bag peanut M&M’s, or 2 Fun Size candy bars
• “No Sugar Added” Applesauce (ex. Mott’s or TreeTop) with 1 tablespoon of Peanut Butter or 1oz of low fat cheese
• Yogurt (ex. Cascade Fresh or Yoplait) with Granola in it
• High Performance Smoothie: 8-12 ounces of Skim or 1% Milk or Yogurt 2 T of peanut butter or scoop protein powder, Fresh or Frozen Fruit (Banana or strawberries) Blend with Ice and serve.
• Boost, Ensure, Carnation Instant Breakfast Drink
• Hummus and veggies
• Skim latte and almond biscotti cookie