These egg muffins are delicious, easy to make, and can be eaten for breakfast OR dinner! You can pre-bake a whole muffin tin, refrigerate and reheat - yum!
Here's all you need:
Slices of bread, butter, crumbled bacon, two eggs, a little cream, salt & pepper, a pinch of cheese.
Preheat the oven to 375 degrees.
Butter your muffin tin. Cut edges off each piece of bread to form a square about four inches by four inches. Butter the bread slices. Press each slice gently into the bottom of the muffin cup so that the four edges are pointing up like in the picture. Bake for 3 to 6 minutes, depending on the thickness of the bread, until it is starting to crisp.
Remove tin from the oven, place the bacon, prosciutto or ham on the bottom of each cup. Crack an egg into each cup. Season with salt and pepper, pour a bit of cream on top and cover with cheese to your liking.
Place the muffin tin back into the oven and bake for 10 to 14 minutes until the whites are just set, or to the desired consistency. With a fork or an offset spatula, remove the bread cups, garnish with chives and devour!
Source: SimpleDailyRecipes.com